Saturday, November 18, 2006


I've had a dilly of a pickle of a devil of a time lately trying to find me what y'all call a temporary, or "temp" job. I ask myself - "Self, what gives?" It's been a trying situation trying to find out the answer, which, by the way, is quite elusive. I've only been able to determine so far, based purely on empirical evidence, that my superior skills propel me to the upper echelon of employees, and I'm far too qualified for most offerings. Well, either that, or I just plain suck eggs. Or anywhere within that massive spectrum.

It's not fun having a vague sense at best what one should "do" with his or her personal work life. I certainly have experience jobs that I have hated, of course, and that makes the next statement quite easy to achieve: "I know what I DON'T like." But why is it so freakin' hard to choose what one DOES like? Too many options these days to draw the attention span away, I suppose.

Regardless, I'm off topic a bit. Ok, so, temp. work - that glorious world where the employees don't really care about what it is they do, (because it's impermanent), and the employers don't really care about training, or paying a high wage, because - that's correct - it's impermanent. So why even bother with this field? One good reason, of course, is the "temp. to hire" angle, allowing a fairly easy transition from being jobless into having a job, with the notion that said job could turn into a permanent job, possibly even a career. However, for yours truly, who is literally simply looking for temp. only positions for the next eight months, well - you kind of plummet down to the bottom of the proverbial barrel almost immediately.

As of this writing, however, there has been a recent upswing to the whole waiting game. I position has come through, and I begin tomorrow, for the next 90 days. Voila! Could this be it? Could this be the break I've been yearning for?
Um - no. I know what the position is, and it shant be in my future for long. But for now, it's another opportunity for me to roleplay a character within the mad-cap realm of "Office Space" and "The Office". I'll be sure to brush-up on my TPS reports.


MMJ said...

Dude. I like the idea of this blog of yours. I look forward to your first post about the lyrical genius of Jim James.

Cautiously Optimistic said...

Dear MMJ:

Thank you for the props! I'll do my best to not only bring discourse to the poetic prowess of Jim James, but all other aspects of the farthes-reaching corners of our universe. Maybe even beyond! Never let it be said that I don't reach father than my grasp...