Monday, November 13, 2006

The Console Wars continue

So, Nintendo has recently released their latest console entertainment system, the Wii (pronounced "we"), and next week, Sony will release the much ballyhooed, greatly jeered, and soon-to-be-tested PlayStation 3 system. This after about a year's worth of Microsoft's Xbox360 being on the market, allowing itself to gain a powerful share of the fans, and units sold.

For the Wii, it will be backwards compatible for all GameCube systems, even offering expansion slots to plug in that system's controllers. Sony, meanwhile, will be compatible with all previous PS 2 titles, and I believe most of PS 1 titles as well, though clearly, these old titles will be limited by their programming at the time, and will not be able to take advantage of the new processor inside the PS 3.

I myself am a PC gaming fan, and always will be - that is my platform of choice. Though it must be mentioned, I do have a PS 1, original Nintendo, and even a Super NES, hooked up to a TV in my den. What can I say, I'm a sucker for the classics, and to be honest, I prefer those old games, and most notibly, old CONTROLLERS, to the new systems. And if I needed to choose, I suppose I'd pick the Wii out of all three, simply because it's the one that would be nearest to my heart. However, my true allegience rests with the personal computer - there's just too much customization, graphics power, and expansion to be ignored. It is the superior gaming platform for First Person Shooters, strategy, and role-playing games, and across the board for graphics and physics processing. I don't play sports or racing.

However, come these next few weeks, you may be finding yourself staring at some brand-new, comparatively different-priced consoles and asking yourself, "Yee gads, whichever do I choose?"

Choose wisely, my friend - choose wisely.


JC said...

Although I've always been a console man myself, I think I may be making the switch soon. That is, since the newer macs can run both OS and windows platforms, I'll just get a desktop and then play pc games on it. I think that's possible anyways. Isn't it?

Cautiously Optimistic said...

When you say "a desktop", you're referring to a new Mac, correct? If so, yes, you can now load up Windows XP on it, after partitioning your drive, and play any Windows game. Huzzah!

JC said...

That's the plan anyhow. I won't be able to afford one ($2500 yikes) for about a year. I'm also really, really wanting a digital SLR camera. At roughly 2k for that I'm going to have to get a pretty kickass job to afford such toys. But a boy can always dream.

JStaud said...

May I be as so bold as to recommend the Nikon D50 as a good Digital SLR. I have had mine for about a year and loving it. At about 700 bones, you can't beat the price for the entry level. The quality is great as well.

By the way "D", your way off, Consoles always have and always will ROCK, especially the X-box.

Course this is coming from a former Microsoft employee as well, so there might be some bias. ;)