Saturday, December 2, 2006

Workin' my butt off:

Well then -

I have been notoriously absent from my Blog site as of late, and that is due to the fact that I am now working two jobs (it does not rain, it pours), in an attempt to pay off my ever-growing credit card debt, and still make the necessary bills o' life, as it were. Therefore, I find myself completely wiped out in the evening, and so tired, that the thought of even beginning a new blog sends me sprinting away. *sigh* - even now, I grow weary of this simple-minded mush I put forth. *smile*

Well, I promise that I will work harder at finding some more free time, and utilizing it as best I can to produce some of the world's greatest, and most rich Blogging the Internet has ever seen. Impossible? Possibly. Improbable? Probably. But tempting? Indubitably!

Join me soon for more strange stories and cosmologic wonders here at Cosmological Cool.

1 comment:

JC said...

I for one will be looking forward to more prose offerings by the Titanic wonder of CC.